Why can't I access my site?
If you are trying to access your site while away from campus, WordPress will require the use of Northeastern's VPN. To fully install the VPN, you will also need to set up Multi-Factor Authentication on the device of your choice.
For Multi-Factor Authentication follow the directions here.
To install the VPN client, please follow the directions here.
Once VPN is installed you can log in here. Your username will be the one affiliated with your Northeastern email. If you cannot remember your password, click the "Lost Your Password?" button to reset it.
If you are having trouble with the Multi-Factor Authentication or the VPN please contact Northeastern University's Information Technology Services.
If you have reached the WordPress login screen and are still having trouble contact your site administrator. If you are an administrator having trouble, contact us at dsg@northeastern.edu
How do I create a page?
See our page on "Creating Pages and Posts."
How do I edit my page?
From the Dashboard you can navigate to the "Pages" menu. A list of all existing pages will appear. After selecting one of these pages, an "Edit" option will appear that allows you edit the content on the Page. For more information on using the Page Builder, click here.
How do I find out more about Northeastern University's Archives and Special Collections?
Northeastern University's Archives and Special Collections has its own web site that provides additional information about the archives, access to digital collections and finding aids, and up-to-date contact information.
How do I find out more about Northeastern University's Digital Repository Service (DRS)?
For more information about the DRS, or for help getting started, visit the Digital Scholarship Group's DRS resource page.
How do I insert an image that isn't in the DRS?
Members of the Northeastern community can deposit material in the DRS for long-term archival storage. If you wish to add materials to the DRS, visit the Digital Scholarship Group's DRS resource page.
If you do not need long-term storage for your image, it can be added to your website via the site's Media Library accessible from the sidebar of the Dashboard.
For more information on Adding Images and Other Media to the Media Library, click here.
How do I teach with CERES?
Some suggestions for teaching with CERES can be found on our "Teaching with CERES" page.
Where can I learn more about using WordPress?
If you've never worked with WordPress before, there are many resources available to help you get started. If you need a tutorial for beginners, you can use the Lynda WordPress Tutorial. You can log into Lynda using your Northeastern username and password. For specific guidance, The WordPress Codex is both in-depth and wide ranging.
Where can I learn more about copyright and fair use policies?
For more information on copyright and fair use, see the Northeastern Library's Copyright and Fair Use Help Section.
What if I have a question not on this list?
Feel free to contact us at dsg@northeastern.edu.