Z_Archived template page

To support classroom use of CERES, DSG offers training for faculty and teaching assistants in using CERES, and can visit the class and provide instruction or lead discussion about the exhibit-building process and tools. We have an extensive set of supporting materials including step-by-step instructions, how-to guides, and sample assignments. We are also happy to work with faculty on planning out syllabi and lesson plans that make imaginative use of these digital tools, at whatever scale works best for the learning objectives of the course.

If you’re interested in using CERES in the classroom, please contact us for further information.

Classroom Resources

We’ve provided here the sample schedules, handouts, and other materials to help assist classes uses CERES.

We have also created a number of templates to help with content creation and design using CERES.

HTML & CSS Modules

The HTML & CSS code / files for the modules and layouts below can be accessed via either the Developer View of the module webpage or the Exhibit Toolkit Media Library, which can be accessed by those with administrator privileges.

Page Builder Templates