CERES: Exhibit Toolkit Websites
The following websites were built using the CERES: Exhibit Toolkit
African American Activism & Experience at Northeastern University
This exhibit focuses on the experiences of African American students and faculty members at Northeastern during the 1960s and the 1970s. It also examines the political activism on campus which led to the establishment of academic and community resources for African Americans, as well as the celebration of black culture at Northeastern.
Boston Public Schools Desegregation
This site represents an entry-point for Boston school desegregation archival resources – a place for educators, students, activists, researchers, and anyone with a general interest to begin investigating primary sources related to 35 plus years of work around school desegregation in the city. These sources explore the history of desegregation in Boston beginning with the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954 through to the Morgan v. Hennigan case in 1974.
Boston’s Racial Equity History Project
History is everywhere in Boston. Every neighborhood, street corner, and building embodies the people, communities that have occupied those spaces previously. The history of Boston’s systemic racism and communities’ acts of community building, activism and resistance are baked into both our understanding of our city, as well as its physical geography. This timeline represents policies, events, and projects to the map and timeline that describe flashpoints, battlegrounds, and structures of inequity in the City of Boston.
Boston’s Latino/a Community History
Boston’s Latino/a Community History is a collection of more than 40,000 digitized photographs and documents from Northeastern University’s Archives and Special Collections’ Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción and La Alianza Hispana collections.
The Catskills Institute
The Catskills Institute was created by the organizing committee of the History of the Catskills conference that was held in Woodridge, New York on Labor Day Weekend 1995. The energy and interest from the first conference led to the formation of the Catskills Institute, an organization to promote research and education on the significance of the Catskill Mountains for Jewish-American life.
Center for Labor Market Studies
In progress
The Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project
The Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project (CRRJ) conducts research and supports policy initiatives on anti-civil rights violence in the United States and other miscarriages of justice of that period. CRRJ serves as a resource for scholars, policymakers, and organizers involved in various initiatives seeking justice for crimes of the civil rights era.
DMC Studios Showcase
The DMC Studios Showcase features student audio and video recordings and 3D printing projects created in the Library’s state-of-the-art facilities. The showcase includes a variety of curricular course work and personal endeavors– Brazilian, Persian and rock music tracks, outstanding videos created for David Herlihy’s music industry class and a cool 3D character designed for a Capstone project.
The Showcase is a work in progress, so faculty assigning classes and projects in the Library’s studios are encouraged to collaborate with the Studios to help curate this site.
The Dragon Prayer Book Project
The Dragon Prayer Book Project documents the discovery of the Dominican Prayer Book, a manuscript from the fifteenth century which currently resides in Northeastern University’s Archives and Special Collections. This project is titled Accessible Archives: Studying and Digitizing Northeastern’s Only Medieval Manuscript, and the objective is to undertake a comprehensive study and preservation of the Dominican Prayer Book.
The Early Black Boston Digital Almanac
In progress
The Early Caribbean Digital Archive
The Early Caribbean Digital Archive (ECDA) is a publicly available archive platform for accessing, researching, and contributing pre-twentieth-century Caribbean archival materials. The ECDA has two primary related, overarching goals: the first is to uncover and make accessible a literary history of the Caribbean written or related by black, enslaved, Creole, indigenous, and/or colonized people. Although the first step in this process is digitization, the ECDA is more than a digitization or cataloging initiative. Rather, we aim to enable users—both scholars of the Caribbean as well as students—to understand the colonial nature of the archive and to use the digital archive as a site of revision and remix for exploring ways to decolonize the archive.
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
In Progress
Frank Palmer Speare: Educational Visionary
Frank Palmer Speare, Northeastern University’s first president, oversaw the Northeastern’s growth from a modest evening institution into a major institution of higher education. This exhibit celebrates Speare’s contributions to Northeastern as well as his career as an educator, while highlighting the collections of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections. It is divided into three sections: Biography, Career, and Beyond.
Freedom House Photographs
In 2007, the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners awarded Northeastern University Libraries, Archives and Special Collections Department $20,336 for a project to digitize and make available on the Web 2,441 photographs and negatives, dating from 1950-1975, from the Freedom House collection. The images in this collection document Freedom House’s early activities to create an integrated Roxbury, foster citizen participation in the urban renewal of Roxbury, and implement early oversight of Boston Public Schools desegregation. The photographs include images of well-known figures, local community activists, Freedom House events, and the Roxbury neighborhood. This project continues Northeastern University Libraries’ dedication to preserving and making accessible the history of Boston’s African American community.
Henry David Thoreau Journal Drawings
This database is a resource for other scholars interested in the relationship between image and text with respect to Thoreau’s Journal, or more generally.
Historical and Multilingual OCR
Holocaust Awareness Committee Archives
For over 40 years, Northeastern University has commemorated the Holocaust with a week-long series of events. Photos, videos, audio and artifacts of those events are presented here. The material has been selected from the university’s Holocaust Awareness Committee collection housed in the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections.
Information Literacy
The Northeastern University Libraries have created a series of information literacy tutorials and handouts that can be downloaded, printed, or embedded in your online classroom. The tutorials, which cover common questions and pain points for students in the research process, are mapped to the six frames within the Framework for Information Literacy, created by the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Latin American Jewish Writers and Artists
Stephen Sadow’s interviews with Latin American Writers and Artists is a series of 12 video interviews recorded in Argentina by Sadow himself in 2012, along with several works written about or by the artists.
Literature and Digital Diversity
Literature and Digital Diversity is a syllabus for a seminar that will explore the use of digital tools for analyzing, preserving, and transforming literature and literary culture. Whose work is preserved and whose work isn’t? Whose stories are told and whose are not? Do digital tools enable us to bring more diversity to the literary past and present? Together we will consider how digital tools enable us to reconsider issues of gendered authorship, racial representation, and the links between archives and authority in the past and today.
Lower Roxbury Black History Project
Part of Northeastern University’s continued commitment to collecting, preserving, and providing access to the rich historical legacy of Roxbury, and the voices of its residents: past, present, and future.
Margaret Fuller Digital Archive
In Progress
Neighborhood Matters
Neighborhood Matters is a lunchtime series that celebrates the ways in which community groups have shaped the neighborhoods surrounding the Northeastern campus. All events are free and open to the public. This series is curated by Northeastern University Library Archives and Special Collections with assistance from Northeastern Library Communications and Events.
Northeastern at War: A History of NU Student Involvement in the U.S. Military
Since its incorporation in 1916, Northeastern University has been active in its support for the United States military. Northeastern has worked to prepare its students for military careers through changes to its curriculum and the implementation of a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program, and it has welcomed returning veterans by easing their transitions back into everyday routine. This exhibit examines Northeastern’s relationship with the U.S. military and students’ experiences in the major conflicts of the 20th century.
Northeastern University Digital Publishing
Northeastern University Digital Publishing is a service of the Northeastern University Libraries. We support the production and dissemination of open-access publications in multiple formats.
Northeastern University History
Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive
Our Marathon is a crowdsourced archive of pictures, videos, stories, and social media related to the Boston Marathon; the bombing on April 15, 2013; the subsequent search, capture, and trial of the individuals who planted the bombs; and the city’s healing process. Our Marathon allows the public to explore not only what happened during the event, but also how the event was experienced by Bostonians, visitors to the city, and those many members of the “Boston diaspora” who were far away but deeply engaged in the unfolding events.
The Phoenix
Northeastern University’s Archives & Special Collections is proud to provide access to the archives of the Phoenix Media/Communications Group, including The Phoenix, The Portland Phoenix, The Providence Phoenix, The Worcester Phoenix, Stuff Magazine, and WFNX 101.7 FM.
“Picturing the World” Gallery
The Library’s “Picturing the World” gallery is a collection of maps, watercolors, and Audubon prints.
A Proud Past: A History of Boston-Bouvé College, 1913-1981
A Proud Past is a history of the Boston-Bouve College as told through photographs from Northeastern University’s Archives and Special Collections.
Senator Kennedy & Student Aid at NU
Senator Kennedy & Student Aid at NU was created in 2008 as a project of the Northeastern University Libraries, Archives and Special Collections Department, following Senator Kennedy’s visit to the University on March 17, 2008. The exhibit provides a brief overview of Senator Kennedy’s long relationship with Northeastern University and advocacy for student financial aid on behalf of all college students. The exhibit highlights his numerous visits to the University since 1985 to speak out against presidential and congressional proposals to cut student financial aid and to encourage students to actively protest any threats to their educational financing.
Spectrum Archive
In progress
United South End Settlements: The Children’s Art Centre
The Children’s Art Centre, located at 36 Rutland Street in Boston’s South End, was incorporated in 1914 and became the first public fine arts museum designed exclusively for children. Gradually, the Art Centre became not only a museum but also a gallery and a studio-workshop. The Children’s Art Centre became a neighborhood tradition in the South End and brought fine art and cultural enrichment to children and families, regardless of race, ethnicity or ability to pay. Harlem Renaissance painter Allan Rohan Crite, printmaker Leslie Richmond Simmons, and large-scale mosaicist David Holleman, whose work can be found at Boston’s Temple Israel, all were affiliated with the Children’s Art Centre.
We Raise Our Voices
The Northeastern University Libraries’ Archives and Special Collections preserves and makes accessible important and at-risk historical records of Boston’s African-American, feminist, gay and lesbian, and Latino communities. The exhibit We Raise Our Voices showcases selected documents from the Archives’ social justice collections. It points to the synergetic relationship between organizing a minority community to achieve political recognition and social equality, and developing a distinctive collective identity that is celebrated and expressed in many forms.
What’s New
What’s New podcast is an exploration of new ideas and discoveries brought to you by Northeastern University Library.
Other projects in development:
- African American Institute Archive